Dear 20 seconds-average attention span user

Dear 20 seconds-average attention span user


I am writing to say that I am hereby joining the worldwide cyberspace conversation (or the lack- thereof, I am aware.)  It sounds like there’s a lot of words out there, little armies of opinions, apocalyptic conspirators, kids playing violent video games, and of course knowledge and enlightenment as well. I write these lines with You in mind, black and white and yellow or brown, my he she, or both or neither reader. My concern is that I don’t want to be in your way when you’re aligning with your morning chakras. I feel slightly modest and romantic. I want to mean something to you and if all goes well, I want to be someone for you. You already are someone to me, my beloved target audience.

Follow me, if you will but I should advise do not cross over to reality.  Back here, it is harder to hide and a lot of followed women run have to run or their lives. But if they were all running together in the same direction then the world would run faster than the Internet itself.

I know you love your puppies and laughing babies, your beautiful souls and your sunsets. You can start a revolution; you can spark inspiration like a will-o´the-wist. –

So I am here to befriend you, the wired, the instant gratification seekers, the artists and the talented, the forever young faceless communities powerful enough to make or un-make me. To love or unlove me. You are the foundation of my cyber-life relevance, I live and die in your hands. and I know how unforgiving you are sometimes, especially to women and journalists, human rights advocates and whistle blowers. How you can turn into Internet soldiers and thugs playing the game of the corrupt heads of States who coerce you into stealing a democratic election.   How you are essential to terrorists’ media campaigns when the net gets dark.

I’ll be looking for that emoticon that’s drooling. That one means your post is incredible and you deserve a big fat dog tongue licking your face.

Unless it’s sexual, I am new here.

You will be preying on my  mood boards.

That was way more than a 20 second read…Damn it.

Let me get back to you.